Chapter 13
Extent of Loss of Property
and the Value of such Property
Dealing with our
fourth term of reference namely to “ascertain the extent of loss of property
and assess the value” we wish to state that for this purpose it would be
practically impossible to take oral evidence from every person of Eastern
Nigeria origin who was forced to flee Northern Nigeria in particular and other
parts of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in general during the mass
disturbances and eventual massacre of persons of Eastern Nigeria origin in
1966. We have therefore devised a method of taking evidence of a cross section
of those who were affected by those disturbances of May, 1966 and after, by
means of a form which is designated Atrocities Form 4, referred to in brief as
ATR. 4. These forms were circulated to the fifty Divisional Offices of the
former Eastern Nigeria. The forms were designed to enable witnesses to state
facts on oath before a Commissioner for Oaths to ensure that the witnesses were
speaking the truth, it is by this system as well as by the reception of oral
evidence on oath that we were able to arrive at our conclusions. It must be
emphatically stated here that this system is only designed to ascertain losses
of property sustained by a cross section only of the victims of those
disturbances from which we may be able to make reasonable inferences later.
We had earlier
referred to the impossibility of
taking evidence from all refugees. We must assume
however that the refugees in their frantic rush to escape death from places
where they had lived for many years (in most cases for the greater part of
their lives), and to all intents and purposes; they had treated as their homes
must certainly have sustained some loss of their personal effects however small
in actual economic value such property might be. And an accurate assessment of
the value of such property would involve the taking of evidence from two
million odd refugees who have since returned to Eastern Nigeria, an almost
impossible task for a tribunal of this nature. Furthermore Eastern Nigerian
householders found themselves in circumstances in. the Northern Nigeria
massacres particularly of May, July and September, 1968 which made it impossible
for them to dispose of their landed property.
One can easily
imagine the case of a trader whose stock in trade are usually kept in a lock-up
shop in the market. Then a mob of the type of sanguinary antagonists who have
so often been described to us in evidence invades his home, as is usual, at
night. The trader to save his life runs out of his back door into the nearby
bush. We cannot see any possibility of such a trader ever returning to collect
his personal effects much less his stock in trade from the market. His personal
effects together with his stock in trade would be looted, destroyed or burnt by
the mob. See the Kano market incident as described by Anueyiagu, the 10th witness and Mbanaso
the 126th witness. He eventually returns home
to Eastern Nigeria virtually naked and penniless.
There are also
those who were killed in the pogrom and who were known in many cases to be
quite substantial people. Many families were completely exterminated and a good
number of individuals who had fled for safety into the bushes were killed in
their hiding places unknown to others. These are not before the tribunal to
give evidence, and there is no doubt that they constitute a substantial number
bearing in mind the total number of people who lost their lives in the pogrom.
We therefore
decided to take the evidence of a representative number of refugees: We had at
our disposal the letters written to the Military Governor’s office and those to
the Rehabilitation Commission by refugees before we were appointed. We also received
several letters as a result of our appeal to the public. Out of these total of
over 25,000 letters we selected a representative few based on the geographical
location to ensure that as wide an area of the North as possible was covered,
and invited these few to give evidence.
In order to
ensure that the information supplied by those who we could not call to give
evidence was authentic, we accepted only the evidence submitted on the form
(ATR.4), see Appendix D - copy at end of this chapter.
Finally an
approach was made to one of the Refugee Associations through its President Mr. F. B. E. Mbanaso for a compilation of the
property holdings of its members in Northern Nigeria with a request that all
claims be cross-checked among their membership to prevent inflated claims. The
returns regarding loss of property which were submitted either through the
medium of ATR.4 (3,965 returns) or through the Refugee Association (3,295) were
carefully cross-checked and it was ascertained that no more than 5,000 householders
responded to our call. We were not surprised at the overall returns. Firstly
because we were anxious to commence taking evidence and allowed only one month
for the forms to be completed, sworn and returned, we could not in any case
have handled more than a few thousand forms. Secondly we were prepared to face
the disinclination of refugees to fill forms.
They had filled
forms at their Divisional Offices and at the offices of the Rehabilitation
Commission in Enugu. This filling of forms in no way alleviated their suffering
or provided any remedy for their wrongs, so that one may well appreciate their
unwillingness to fill other forms which promised no relief for their
misfortune. There is still another category in the Divisional areas who had
moved into open towns to seek their livelihood. To the pushful Easterner there
is no stagnation in life; and the fact that they had, in their flight, lost all
their possessions should not imply that they should return to their villages
and wait for manna to fall from
Heaven before they can feed their families and
pay school fees for their
children. Their misfortune is the result of their mistaken belief that when
in 1914 Lord Lugard brought about the amalgamation of what was then
Northern Nigeria and the Colony and Protectorate of Southern Nigeria he thereby
brought about a fusion of the people into one amalgam which they regarded as
one Nigeria. From their mistake they have learnt a bitter lesson.
There is one
aspect of property about which much emphasis was not laid in evidence before
us; that is to say, the produce trade in Northern Nigeria. It is a notorious
fact (see the evidence of Emejulu witness No. 93)
that in the produce trade in Nigeria as a whole, traders, even the foreign
companies have to give the farmers huge advances of money before the produce is
ready for harvesting. No one can guess the value of such advances which are now
lost to those Eastern Nigeria traders who had made them.
A remarkable
feature is that the really wealthy among Eastern Nigerians who had property in
Northern Nigeria in particular have not come forward to testify as to their
losses. We assume that they have resigned themselves to their fate.
As mentioned
earlier we deliberately decided to confine ourselves to a representative number
of refugees in respect of property losses. Of the 5,000, many of whom are
householders covered by the exercise, the total of losses was £9,023,518 or an
average of £1,804 per householder. See the summaries at the end of this
The summaries show
that a total of 2,607 houses and buildings valued at £4,158 652 have been lost
by the 5,000 witnesses whose cases we dealt with. This works out to an average
of £1,593 per building. A total of 586 vehicles valued at £435,851 have been
lost. This number includes motor cars, motor lorries, motorcycles and even
bicycles some of which were stolen from Railway wagons in transit to Eastern
Nigeria while some
were damaged and/or otherwise destroyed. (See the
evidence of witness Nos. 9 and 10 and part of the evidence
of the 9th witness Walter Chuka Alofoje, a
student of Architecture at Ahmadu
Bello University Zaria, on route to Enugu by train reads as
They gave three conditions which must be fulfilled
we would be allowed to leave. The first was
no less
£120 must be given to them in cash. To this end
I contributed
£5; the second was that all the motor bikes and motor scooters in the last two
wagons must be off-loaded and third was that the soldiers be allowed to go into
the train and take whatever they liked. The three conditions were fulfilled
before we left Oturkpo station at 2 a.m or 2nd October, 1996.
The total losses
include actual cash robbed from the servants, relations and business partners
of traders who were caught by Northern Nigeria soldiers in most parts of
Northern Nigeria. Under this heading the witnesses lost a total of £741,784.
Most of the refugees were traders who made substantial investments outside
Eastern Nigeria. Their stock in trade on the evidence before us amounts to the sum of £2,046,522. The personal effects of the witnesses,
at least that part of it which the
witnesses could remember, amount to £1,644,709.
We have decided
not to interpolate the figure to cover all refugees. However the evidence of Mr. Mbanaso (126th witness) bears testimony that the
losses sustained by Eastern Nigerians in Kano alone was astronomical. Part of
his evidence reads as follows:
I have been able with the assistance of other colleagues from Kano
to make fairly accurate estimates of losses sustained by Easterners in Kano.
Houses: There are about 2,315 houses in Sabon Gari (see annex 1). At least 2,000 are
owned by Easterners. These houses range in price between £2,500 and £5,000. On
the basis of an average of £4,000 each, houses owned by Easterners would be
2,000 x 4,000 = £8
effects: There were about
100,000 Southerners in Kano on the basis of the last census of which 80,000 should be Easterners. On the principle of 1
persons there should be 8,000 householders. If an average value of £400
affects is used per householder, the total value would be £400x8,000
£3.2 million (most of those who fled left the bulk of their property behind).
Chemist Shops: There was 7 large chemist shops owned by Easterners with an
average of £10,000 stock and equipment. Total values £70,000.00.
Hotels: Attached as Annex II is the list of the hotels owned by
Easterners in Kano and the value of buildings equipment and stock is £180,000.
Off License: There are at least 100 off licence shops with average stock of
£500. Total £50,000.
Provision shops: There are over 150 provision shops with stock of £500 average.
Total £75,000.
were over 10,000 Eastern traders holding stalls in Sabon Gari Market (I say this
because the traders Association had a membership of 6,000 persons and this was
only about half of the traders in Kano). The average stock holding of each
would be about £3,000. Total £3,000 x 10,000 = £30,000,000. In addition there
were traders in perishables and foodstuffs not holding stalls the value of
whose stock cannot be assessed.
All the traders had debtors among the Hausas particularly those
dealing with produce etc. most of these debts cannot be recovered.
Summary of Losses
in Kano
(a) Houses ,, ,, 8,000,000
(b) Personal
effects ,, ,, 3,200,000
(c) Chemist shops ,, ,, 70,000
(d) Hotels ,, ,, 180,000
(e) Off Licence ,, ,, 50,000
(f) Provision
shop ,, ,, 75,000
(g) Stall Holders ,, ,, 30,000,000
Total ,, ,, £41,575,000
In conclusion,
Eastern Nigerians lost property of astronomical value in Northern Nigeria.
Admittedly the highest concentrations of Easterners were to be found in Kano.
Substantial concentrations existed in Jos, Zaria, Kaduna, Gusau etc. in fact
all the main towns in Northern Nigeria had a fair share of Easterners and these
lived in better houses than their Northern neighbours. The value of the
property cannot be ascertained by this tribunal with the material and time at
our disposal. We advise that a separate commission be appointed with the sole
assignment of investigating and ascertaining the value of property lost in
Northern Nigeria and other parts of the Federation.
Summary of Losses
of 5,000 Respondents
Number of Houses 2,607
Value of Houses £4,154,652
Number of
Vehicles 586
Value of Vehicles £435,851
Value of cash £741,784
Value of
Stock-in-Trade £2,046,522
Value of Personal
Effects £1,644,709
Total Value of
Losses £9,023,518
*Based on return from
5,000 refugees
Breakdown of
Losses of 5,000 Respondents
Number of
Value of Houses
Number of
Value of
Value of Cash
Value of
Value of
personal effects
Total Values of Loses
Number of
Value of Houses
Number of
Value of
Value of Cash
Value of
Value of
personal effects
Total Values of Loses
Number of
Value of Houses
Number of
Value of
Value of Cash
Value of
Value of
personal effects
Total Values of Loses
Number of
Value of Houses
Number of
Value of
Value of Cash
Value of
Value of
personal effects
Total Values of Loses
of Inquiry (Atrocities) 1966
(Refugee Form)
1. Name in full__________________________________________________________
2. Date of birth age______________________________________________________
3. (a) Native place____________________ (b) Division______________________________
(c) Province______________________________________________________________
4. (a) Married/single/widowed_________________________________________________
If widowed, indicate below whether (i) before disturbance
(ii) as result of
(b) No of wives (if married
(c) Children:
If dead indicate whether as result of
(ii) ____________________________________________
5. Home address in Eastern Nigeria:__________________________________________
(a) Street No. or P. O. Box___________________________________________________
(b) Town_______________________________ (c) Division________________________
(d) Province______________________________________________________________
6. Present address in Eastern Nigeria if
different from home address:
(a) Street No. or P. O. Box___________________________________________________
(b) Town______________________________(c)
(d) Province______________________________________________________________
7. Last place of residence outside Eastern
(a) (a) Street No. or P. O. Box_________________________________________________
(b) Town________________________________(c)
(d) Province_______________________(e) Religion_____________________________
8. Did you suffer any
personal injuries as a result of the disturbances before leaving your station
for Eastern Nigeria. If so state:
(i) Date and time of day__________________________________________________
(ii) Where (e.g. your house or office or
(iii) Details of injuries (including nature e.g.
gun shot wound, matchet cut etc)_______ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
(iv) Describe your assailants (e.g. armed mob
or person in uniform and type of uniform)
(v) _____________________________________________________________________
(vi) Were you treated, if so where_____________________________________________
(vii) Who treated you__________________________________________________________
9. Give details of
any other person or persons attacked to your knowledge before you left your
station for Eastern Nigeria.
Names (in full)
Place of attack
Was he killed
if not, nature of injuries
Home town of
10 (a) On what date or month did you leave
your station for Eastern Nigeria___________
(b) By what route did you
(c) How many days did your journey
Any experience of personal attack or molestation during your
If so, then state
(i) Date:
(ii) Place:
(iii) Nature and details of injuries or
(iv) Describe
assailants: (e.g. mob or person in uniform and if so, what type of
(v) Did you receive any medical treatment,
where and by whom_________
Give details of any other person or persons attacked to your knowledge during
journey to the East:
Names (in full)
Place of attack
Was he killed
if not, nature of injuries
Home town of
11. What property did you leave behind:
(This section may be filled by a
widow or survivor in respect of dead persons)
Bungalow, one
or two or two stories
Cement or mud
Type of roof
No. of rooms
Year built
Location Town
Street and No.
Legal title
(freehold or lease – hold and number of years of leasehold
(a) Vehicles
Make and Type
Date Purchased
Value when
Current Value
(a) Others:
(i) Cash: £ : S: d How
(ii) Stock in Trade (see last
(iii) Personal effects (see last
12. Destruction of Property or Looting
(a) Was any of your
property destroyed or looted to your knowledge, if so give details (for fuller
details use late page)
Landed property:
Stock in trade:
Personal effects:
13. Are there other details known to you but
not covered above which will help the Tribunal in its task, e.g. preparations
of planning for attack, persons taking part in the attack, locating of graves
where the victims were buried, types of graves, steps taken if any by the
authorities including Native Authority policemen during the disturbances in the
areas affected to afford protection to the victims, etc..
Insert any other
pertinent details below (see 11B (b)(ii) and (iii), 12)
certify that the answers to the above questionnaire are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
The foregoing
questions and answers have been duly read and interpreted to______________ into
______________________________________ language and he seems perfectly to have
understood same before affixing his right thumb impression.
________________________ this _______________ day of _____________ 1967.
Commissioner for Oaths
(Swearing Fee)
GPE 143/167/50,000
Chapter 14
This report will
not be completed without a record of certain mitigating aspects of the pogrom
and without our restressing the continuing nature of the animosity of the
Northerners towards all Easterners.
In respect of the
former we have already indicated that some of the non-Hausa/Fulani rulers in
the North, e.g the very old and blind Shehu of Bornu and the Rwang Pam of Jos
were against the pogrom. There were able to keep out the Hausa Fulani from
involving their areas of authority at least in May and July. Even in the
September- October disturbance the district head of Nguru still stood out
against the pogrom and staked his life on it. This was because of the basic
historical fact that these areas were not controlled by the Hausa/Fulani
oligarchy. Eventually the objective of these were overwhelmed by the Northern
Regional Government.
By deploying the
forces of coercion of the state and by organising thuggery, the authorities in
the North were able by September to spread the pogrom to every district in
Northern Nigeria, from New Busa to Yola and from Zakibiam to Nguru.
There were a few
Northerners and some foreign nationals who, in the wave of depravity which
swept through the North, were able to give protection and help to Easterners.
They should remain anonymous in this report in the interest of their own safety
but some are mentioned in the body of the proceedings. They were a haven to
people exposed to medieval barbarism.
Credit goes to
some missionaries of the Roman Catholic Church and the S. I M. and particularly
to members of the Red Cross who even at the risk of their lives assisted
harassed Easterners with shelter, food and clothing. Some, principally nuns,
went to the extent of writing to Easterners in their home long after they had
fled their stations in the North. These missionaries narrated their harrowing
experience in their letters to Easterners. One such letter was quoted in full
in chapter 11, under Personal Injuries. In a second letter to the same refugee,
extracts of what appear below, she asked a very pertinent question;
My Dear Williams,
This brings my best wishes for Xmas and New year. May the Infant
King fill your souls with His peace and love now and always. I will include you
and all my Ibo friends in all the prayers especially Holy Mass and Divine
Thanks for your letter dated Nov. 16th and received on December
5th. I am so glad that my letter helped you at a time when sorrow and real
grief were the lot of you and all the Ibo people, It still seems incredible
that this should have happened, but we know it is all too true. There is still
one bewildering aspect to the sad happenings, can you truthfully explain why
the Ibos did not retaliate during the actual attack? I realize that in cases
where one poor unarmed man was
by a mob, he could not defend himself. No one could, but in Jos there were 2,300 Ibos on September 29th. They were attacked at 11 p.m. It is
true, but they did not fight but fled making it easier for their enemies to
kill them. Some even rushed up on the high rocks which surrounded Jos, but did
not as much as hurl a stone at the mob who simply sent up one or two who
brought the Ibos down and killed them. There must be an explanation William. No
moral law can forbid a person to defend himself even if he has to kill his
attackers in self- defence. Why didn’t the Ibos defend themselves? It is
different in the East itself, when your wonderful Governor refrained from
killing Northern people who were actually living there which he could have done
and confiscated their property, but didn’t. This was surely an act of
Christianity as magnificent and noble as Christianity itself, and truly worth
of a great man. Whatever the answer to the first question I feel
sure that all that fury and hare,
will bring
down a
blessing on Ibo-land in particular and on Nigeria and the world in general.
(Sgd.) ? ? ?
Why did the
Easterners not defend themselves? This was a question which occurred to us
throughout the enquiry. Various answers emerged during the hearings.
Firstly the
attack was planned and organised by the authorities - the Government, natural
rulers, civil servants, native administrators etc. Police officers of Northern
Nigeria origin and soldiers were all either privy to it or actively
participated. Secondly all tribal organisations had been previously banned and
as a result Easterners were not organised enough to plan their self defence.
Thirdly, after the early attempts to liquidate Easterners in the May riots the
authorities organised a systematic programme of disarming Easterners. They lost
not only guns and catridges but also matchetes and all offensive weapons.
Fourthly most of the attacks was done at nights by hordes of Northerners
chanting blood curdling war cries. Finally these people were in most cases
several hundreds of miles away from home and hoped to escape with their lives if they offered no resistance.
We do not of
course ignore the fact that most were unnerved by the intensity of the
onslaught or resigned to their fate.
Whatever may be
the reasons we are left with the fact that only few cases of self-defence came
to our notice. One of such cases was in Gombe where a youngman Paul Emejulu 93rd witness saved many Easterners by
his courage.
In covering all
Eastern Nigeria we have been able to take evidence both in Enugu and some
provincial headquarters and it was abundantly clear that the slaughter in the
North was indiscriminate in so far as the ethnic groups in Eastern Nigeria were
concerned. Both from the witnesses whose names show their ethnic origin and from forms submitted to us, we found that
those affected in the North were in proportion to their numbers resident in the
North. Those Easterners who escaped in the guise of other ethnic groups
masqueraded principally as non-Easterners viz Hausa, Yoruba or Ghanaian.
It is also dear
to us that the animosity and hatred of the Northerners is a continuing one. The
Easterner being apparently the most progressive identifiable group in the North
were an easy choice for harassment and extermination whatever else may have been
the cause of any particular uprising. It is dear to us that once the
Northerners had set on the path of destroying the Easterners they pursued their
objective with a devilish singleness of purpose. As quoted in other chapters,
the report on the 1953 Kano riots warned that
the seeds of the trouble which
broke out in Kano on May 16 (1953) have their counterparts still in the ground.
It could happen again and only a realisation and acceptance of the underlying
causes can remove the danger of recurrence.
We have seen that
the seed lies buried in the cultural, social, religious and political
differences between the ‘true’ Northerner (Hausa/Fulani) and the Easterner, the
envy engendered in the minds of the Northerner for the lead in the modern way
of life gained by the Easterner and the intellectual laziness preventing the
Northerners from competing against odds. Whilst we have not been asked to make
recommendations we feel bound to draw one conclusion. The question posed by the
report on the Kano riot of 1953 was not answered and the pogrom of 1966 was the
consequence. There were only two possible answers. From the Northerners' point
of view, extermination of the Easterners and from the Easterners' point of
view, withdrawal from the North, and by so doing withdrawing the point of
The lesson learnt
by Easterners from half a century of association with Northern Nigerians is
that cultural admixture is only possible where there is a basic common
denominator e.g. religion, social system, outlook on life etc. There was no
point of contact whatever between the Northern Nigerian and the Eastern
Nigerian. The separateness was perpetuated by the Colonial Administration for
fifty years. We are compelled to conclude that it will take some time to repair
the damage done by this tragic episode and for any cordial association to
develop between the peoples of Northern Nigeria and Eastern Nigeria.
Dated this 1st
Day of March, 1968.
DR. M. A. B.
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