April 30 2020 | The Biafra Telegraph
Looking at the very laughable last Broadcast of Jubril El
Sudani, impersonating Buhari. People say we should leave this topic, I say to
them we can never leave this topic. We cannot, that is our way of facing the
destruction of the Zoo, we can't abandon it. Not today not tomorrow and not
ever because we are alive and live.
They said Jubril did a Broadcast. It was counted as a
Live Broadcast, but due to our perseverance and persistence, it now very clear
to the whole world that the Zoo is lying. They have always been lying to you,
they have been deceiving you but because of our tenacity, because of our
dedication, our resoluteness, ordinary people are now beginning to ask
How come we cannot see you? You claim that you are the
President, but we can't see you. What kind of President are you? Buhari can't
speak to you. He can't conduct a simple press conference as all other Heads of
States are doing all over the world. He cannot take questions on terrorists. Instead
of the Journalists to be asking WHO IS THAT THING THERE? They are in my village
to ask if I am alive or not.
I am telling you, any man who has any brain in his skull
will see that the last recording of Jubril El Sudani (Buhari Broadcast speech
to Nigerians on 28:04:20) was not done live. He has not entered the Zoo yet. I
can assure you. I know the Airforce Plane that took them from Cuba to SA where
they are quarantined presently. They are still in SA. When SA will let them
come, I do not know. But I can assure you that Jubril is not in the Zoo, he is
not in Aso Rock, that very crumbling edifice of deceit and hopeless habitation
of very wicked and evil men and women.
That very recording was not done Live. Nobody in their
right senses can tell you it was Live.
1. You can see the useless picture they used, they
photoshopped the background, look between the Flags and you'll see a very dark
2. Does it mean there is no light where they are?
3. Does it mean they forgot to turn on the lights?
4. Can you see the flag is just in-mobile, stood at one
very spot, never moving, what does that tell you?
They are still forging, they are still deceiving you. They
are still living on hope upon hope that perhaps some of you would be so stupid
and gullible to believe them. This very laughable display of mediocrity, you cannot
say you come from a country where there are over 200 million people, and that's
the best you can do?
That's an insult. People say ...Oh I am writing to Buhari. Which Buhari
are you writing to? The one in Cuba recording videos and messages, or the one
in the grave in Saudi Arabia? Which one are you writing to, If I may ask you? Why
do you always participate in an act of deception? I'm asking Zoo People, why do
always deceive yourselves, why do you do that? You know that Buhari doesn't
exist, don't you? But out of fear and cowardice you sustain the Fraud with the
help of Yoruba Media.
As captured by:
Ngozichukwu Ada-Dav
For: Lagos State Media
Published by:
Chibuike John Nebeokike
For: Lagos State Media
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