BIAFRA ABAKALIKI: (Friday, April 20 2018.)
In every situation that surround humanity on earth irrespective of what it is, there are those benefiting from it and there are those who receive the disadvantages since it has been tested and proven that whatever have advantages in the other hands have disadvantages, people must be on both sides to receive the result of the two either the advantages or disadvantages.
Often times those on the benefitting end due to the fact that they already knew what they're gaining will do everything within their reach to keep it alive as to keep benefitting what they benefit from it.
They are people who would love the society to frequently be in dispute and in state of war, because of what they benefit from it, they are people who would not like to hear conflict not to talk of war, due to what they have lost or stand the chance to lose on the outbreak of war or in the state of dispute. Many people in the world today lost almost what they acquired in life due to crisis and war, but they are people who acquired what they have in life as a result of crisis and war. Those who benefit from any situation would like to protect it and make it grow higher, while those whom it works to their detriment would go extra mile in trying to bring the situation to an end.
Nigeria is a country created to benefit some people and few ethnicities, it was a contraption made by the British to benefit themselves and the Hausa Fulani caliphate especially their cabals, the Biafra people are those receiving the disadvantages and pains from the other end.
The British as well as the Hausa Fulani(s) that are benefitting from the contraption can go to any length in making sure that nothing takes the chances away from them.
That is why they kept on killing and unleashing all kinds of mayhem and marginalization coupled with military subjugation and inhuman treatment on members of IPOB led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and Biafra people, because they understood that the agitation for Biafra total freedom from Nigeria means taking away their estate business and they can not afford to let it go just like, instead they prefer fighting to the last drop of their blood.
The truth remains that all the things the British and Hausa Fulani enjoyed yesterday and today in Nigeria came from the rich resources of Biafra land and her millions of citizens frankly speaking they made it to be so, they planted themselves in the apex decision making as long as the government is concerned and the few they selects from Biafra are being configured to remotes in their hands as they do nothing on their own apart from what pleases their northern masters who report to British, contrary to this will amount to attack oftentimes total dismissal from job.
Nevertheless, one can not use for the hardness of the ground and avoid burying one's deceased, efforts must be kept on alive to hurt the atrocities of the perpetrators knowing that one day the person holding what belongs to a child when he/she might have got tired will bring down his/her hands and the child will comfortably collect what belongs to him/her.
Biafrans must not relent in fighting for what truly belongs to them irrespective of what may, because at the end victory shall be theirs, obedient to the leadership of Indigenous People of Biafra {IPOB} and hardworking remains the key factor to the speedy actualization and restoration of the sovereign state of Biafra in this generation.
Ogeh Friday Igiri
For Abakaliki province
State Media.
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