■ Author: Ikenna Ozulumba Mbaegbu
■ Twitter: @Umuchiukwu_writ
■ Apr 08 2018
Written by: Ikenna Ozulumba Mbaegbu
Date: 08.04.2018
Earlier today, I had decided to look up the meaning of the word "purgatory" in the dictionary which in Catholic doctrine is "a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven." Then and only then I had realized that the Church mentioned above was referring to a place called NIGERIA. Nigeria is an epitome of HELL on earth, a place where depraved Souls are sent and trapped for eternity. But only those who believe in Chiukwu-Okike-Abiama and the restoration of His Kingdom back on this very earth will be free from the captivity of her negativity. Yes, Biafra restoration is the only saving grace for the Biafrans and the other African nations from the white supremacy, from this dungeon of darkness created by the white folks to subjugate the Blackman. If you are in this purgatory called NIGERIA, you are not dead, but you are not better than the dead. This zoological Republic which was created by a White Man called Frederick Lugard in 1914 only encourages evil because her foundation was laid on Evil. Nigeria is the Animal Kingdom that is why in recent time, many stories were told in which it was believed that big snakes and Monkeys swallowed funds meant for the public and nothing was done about it. It was indeed the joke of the century! Again, this zoo nation called NIGERIA is the Seat and the Den of all criminology that is why those misfits who happen to be in the leadership position of the accursed nation are deeply involved in looting and milking dry the country's wealth for their own personal gains. Imagine! Yet, nothing has been done to call the culprits to order. This is because they are still the ones in control of power. Unbelievable! Should I talk about the nation's Electricity Power Supply? That one alone is a far cry from what you may refer to as "standard!" Since that is the case, how then do you expect the industries to function correctly when there is a constant power failure. Welcome to hell! Should I also talk about the country's educational system? There you see, our people have a saying that "The blind cannot lead the fellow blind." So is the case of the zoo (Nigeria), educational curriculum planners. They are total misfits and mediocre as they all lack what it takes to be in the position they have occupied. No wonder the zoo (Nigeria)schools only end up in producing graduates who are no better than the illiterates. Only in Nigeria will you see a Professor of Medicine who cannot produce ordinary paracetamol. Shame! The so-called elites and academia in the contraption called Nigeria are only useful in giving you theories upon theories over a particular concept without achieving any good result. But the world of today no longer needs "Unconfirmed Theories," instead, it believes so much in practicality. The world of now is looking for those who can do something and not those who will always give reasons for not doing something. Now, judging from the above explanations, one can quote me right that Nigeria is indeed a place of suffering for the condemned souls?! Yes, by God am damn right, this artificial evil nation concocted by the British government through their agent (Lugard) is the same as the Biblical purgatory. Given to the backwardness and untold hardship and perpetual suffering prevalent in this animal republic, one would agree with me that Nigeria is a Zoo right inside hell!
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