By Chimpuruimeihenile Immanuel Ukoha (Abia writers)
Edited by Livingrich Ezeikpe
Corruption is the bane of poverty and sufferings in Africa, especially in Nigeria. The white imperialists created Nigeria, as well as corruption in Nigeria and Africa as a whole so as to line their pockets from the resources in Biafra land and Africa. In Nigeria, corruption is on the rise on an hourly basis and nothing is being done about it. The politicians are concerned with their pockets other than the masses they claimed elected them into office. Their kids are studying in foreign schools while the masses have their own kids dropping out of school for lack of funds.
The legal practitioners in Nigeria and the security operatives are hell-bent on collecting bribes from the poor masses. When cases are established in Nigerian courts, the lawyers won't speak for the oppressed, unless they are paid and when the oppressors and affluent members of the society bribe the judges, they subvert justice in favour of the rich. The Nigerian police are very corrupt and not ashamed at all of that, they mount roadblocks and intimidate the poor masses into giving them money for no reasons, claiming to be checking vehicle particulars, whereas they are extorting money from drivers plying their trade through the dilapidated Nigerian roads. The activities of these security agencies on higher ways have led to the loss of lives through accidents on several occasions.
Even the media outfits that should be speaking out for the people don't care rather they accept bribes from politicians with open arms. They don't do the what they are supposed to do according to the ethics of their profession; all they do is propagate fallacy and calumnies against perceived enemies of their paymasters. When crimes are orchestrated in Nigeria, or the poor masses are marginalized or oppressed, the world is not put on notice because the poor won't give them enough money. The inability of the Nigerian media to propagate the truth instead of lies is because of the monopoly of the media by the Yoruba brown envelope gutter journalism.
But, IPOB and Nnamdi Kanu, the game changer, have provided Biafrans with media outfits that speak for the people. The Biafrans now have Radio Biafra London (RBL), Biafra TV (BTV) and many online news outlets, where issues affecting the Biafran people are tabled to the world. The social media is also available for Biafrans; no more will falsehood be propagated against Biafrans.
Nnamdi Kanu took a giant leap, to ensure that bribery is totally eradicated in Biafra land. Kanu has given a stern warning to Biafrans all over the globe to desist from giving bribe to anybody or organization all in the bid to get corruption reduced to the barest minimum, if not totally eradicated. Remember the fracas that took place at Isi gate Umuahia, Abia state, was as a result of tricycle (keke napep) rider, who refused to give a Nigerian soldier on roadblock, 100 naira, instead of the 50 naira they do pay. The Nigerian soldier had hit him hard with his gun, which led to the fracas, loss of lives and the subsequent arrest of innocent individuals. The arrested individuals were later released, after the insurmountable efforts of the IPOB. Based on that incident, Nnamdi Kanu gave an order that no money should be given to any military or police personnel on roadblock again.
It is only Biafra that can free Africa, from the jinx of the corrupt white supremacists, who brought corruption to the continent of Africa.
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