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Former U.S. President - Lyndon B. Johnson |
August 2, 1968
U.S. Urged to
Undertake Immediate Biafran Airlift with or without Nigeria's Permission
In a "Letter to the Editor" of New York
Times, Edward S. Morse, an American, urges the United States to undertake a
massive military relief airlift to Biafra.
published in the New York Times of dwindling food supplies getting through the
federal blockade to the starving millions in Biafra coupled with the ugly
threat of the Nigerian federal forces to shoot down planes flying medicine and
food for civilian relief calls for an immediate airlift by United States
military aircraft of supplies to Biafra. A dispatch from Umuahia in the Times
of July 22 quoted relief agencies as stating that Biafra had received less food
from abroad in the last three weeks than it did in the same period in April and
The total of
123 tons in the three weeks of July, the dispatch continued, contrasts with a
minimum of 200 a day estimated as needed to slow down the starvation. It was
estimated that several times more than 200 tons a day was needed. The Vatican
report states that antiaircraft fire from Nigerian troops had made relief
flights extremely hazardous. A Geneva dispatch has announced that the
International Committee of the Red Cross had chartered a plane to carry several
tons of relief supplies for Biafrans with another aircraft scheduled to leave
the next day or so.
With such
facts before us, there is a clear call for direct action by our government on
humanitarian grounds. If a safe conduit cannot be negotiated for such mercy
flights, we would have ample justification for ordering a fight from the
Seventh U.S. Fleet in the Mediterranean. Without question, we have the
capacity. Witness the Berlin airlift. Do we have the will? This is a matter of
hours and days, not weeks and months. The American people will find it hard to
live with their consciences if we stand idly by, protesting technicalities, in
the face of the threat of the greatest mass starvation witnessed in our
generation. }
Edward S.
New York, July 25,1968
(New York Times)
August 2, 1968
U S President
Johnson under Pressure for Biafran Relief
United States' Senator Eugene J. McCarthy called on
President Johnson today to ask the United Nations for a mandatory relief
airlift of mercy to Biafra. Mr. McCarthy said it was intolerable that the
Administration had so far “contented itself with what must be seen as vain and
futile gestures while human life is at stake” in the secessionist former
Eastern Region of Nigeria.
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Associated Press U.S. Sen. Eugene McCarthy and Former Vice President Hubert Humphrey |
By “vain and futile gestures,” the Minnesota
Democrat, a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency, was
apparently alluding to pleas by President Johnson and Secretary of State Dean
Rusk that the Nigerian Government permit the passage of relief supplies into
Biafra. Soon after McCarthy's office issued his statement, Vice President
Humphrey called for an international effort to get food to starving Biafrans.
Mr. Humphrey, campaigning in the Midwest for the
Democratic nomination, issued a statement saying that it was normally
intolerable to have innocent children and adults starving because of a
political dispute and that the United States should support any United Nations
effort to move in supplies. He declared that the United States should reiterate
its willingness to support the Red Cross with more food funds and equipment.
“We should also lend our support to any efforts of the United Nations to get
food and medicine to those in need," he said. Meanwhile, Senator George S.
McGovern of South Dakota sent a letter to President Johnson, co-signed by 16
other Democratic Senators and two Republicans, urging him to support a United
Nations or private airlift of supplies, but to avoid any United States
"involvement in any armed conflict."
The Other signers were Senators Frank Church of
Idaho, Fred R. Harris of Wayne Morse of Oregon and Harrison A. Williams Jr. of
New Jersey. Also Senators Stephen M. Young of Ohio, Philip A. Hart of Michigan,
William Proxmire of Wisconsin, Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island, Thomas J. Dodd
of Connecticut, and Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin. The Republican signers were
Charles H. Percy of Illinois and Hiram L. Fong of Hawaii. Although the United
States has proclaimed neutrality in the civil war that began a year ago, it supports
the principle of Nigerian unity.
Today Mr. McCarthy charged that "political
considerations have kept us from doing what is just and right." This was
apparently an allusion to the reluctance of the Administration to oppose
Britain, which supports the Nigerian Government. (New York Times)
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