In 1966, over fifty thousand
Biafran men, women, and children were rounded up in several cities, towns and
villages in Northern and Western Nigeria and slaughtered like chicken. Young
girls were gang raped by scores of men and then corralled to leper colonies to
be raped by lepers before being killed. Nursing mothers had their breasts cut
off. Pregnant women first had their abdomen cut open; the foetuses yanked out
and kicked like footballs before the babies were slaughtered. Men had gasoline
poured on them then set ablaze to burn like bonfires. Several hundred thousand
men and women were hacked, tortured, maimed, mouth slit open from ear to ear,
limbs chopped off, eyes gouged out, and other types of unspeakable acts of brutality.
In all, over two million Igbo
Biafran refugees ran back to their homeland in Eastern Nigeria as refugees.
Nigeria did this to the Igbo and
other people of Eastern Nigeria in 1966. Most of the people who organized and
supervised the perpetration of this crime have gone on to become Heads of State
of Nigeria and have wined and dined with leaders of the free world. Satisfied
that the world did not react to their heinous crimes against an innocent
people, Nigeria’s leaders declared a war of genocide on Igbo Biafrans.
The Nigerian government
completely blockaded Biafra by land, sea and air. Then, she went on to commit
the worst genocide since World War 11, second only to the Jewish holocaust in
its brutality, horror, inhumanity, and brazen barbarism. Top Nigerian
government officials following in the footstep of Hitler, stated categorically
as official Nigeria government policy, “starvation is a legitimate instrument
of warfare.”
Just as Hitler did to the Jews,
the Nigerian government went on to starve to death millions of innocent Igbo
Biafran babies, children, pregnant women, old men and women. The Nigerian
government poisoned food, including baby’s milk with arsenic, cyanide and other
poisons and smuggled these into Biafra territory. No one knows how many
thousands of babies, children and adults were thus murdered, poisoned to death
by the Nigeria government.
A report by a team of experts
(chemist, microbiologist, pharmacist, micro-chemical analyst, and expert in
forensic medicine) led by a United State Senator, Charles Goodell who visited
Biafra and examined samples of food, confirmed that food items, especially
salt, powdered and evaporated milk smuggled into Biafra by Nigeria, were
poisoned with arsenic and cyanide (US congressional Record, 1969, P.4374.)
To maximize the number of
Biafrans killed during this genocidal war, the Nigerian government instructed
her pilots to target hospitals, open markets, refugee camps, children’s feeding
centres, Churches, schools, and to bomb and strafe them without mercy. Again no
one knows the exact number of Biafrans civilians who were killed in these
genocidal bombings.
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