Asking people not to vote is one thing but giving them a cogent reason as to why they should not vote for any of these criminals on offer is another. We must expose all the criminals running to grab hold of public funds. Today is the turn of Obiano to answer some simple questions.
Some of the Questions Obiano Must Answer:
- Why are you rejoicing and boasting that you were the one that convinced other South-East Governors to proscribe Biafra, which they do not have the powers to do?
- Why did you connive with Nigerian Army and Police to massacre Biafran people in Biafraland?
- Since you have abandoned all the projects started by your predecessor, may we know what you did with the 49 Billion Naira cash reportedly left for you.
- What of the 156 Million Dollars your predecessor saved in dollars, which, when accruals are added and going by the current exchange rate, is about 200 Billion Naira. Is it true you have squandered the money and yet all projects remain abandoned?
- Is it not wickedness that you take 1.2 Billion Naira as security vote every month, the highest by any state Governor relative to income?
- To add salt to injury, your wife is the first woman that take security vote in Nigeria, 250 Million Naira per month.
- Can you tell us the farmland where you cultivated Ugu vegetable out of which you said the state made 5 Billion Dollars?
- Why is it that you could not complete the re-construction of Amawbiaby-pass to Amansea dual carriage road?
- What are the true cost of Awka flyovers and lyiora bridge?
- Where is the 7.5 Billion Dollars investment you said you attracted to Anambra State?
- Why did all international partners operating in Anambra State leave under your Government?
- Why did you stop the payment of N5000 stipend to elderly people that do not have people to take care of them?
- Why did you abandon all the roads you inherited from your predecessor?
- Why did Anambra State move from no 1 in WAEC and NECO under your predecessor to number 6 and 7 under you?
- Could you tell us one single industry you have been able to attract to the State?
- How many of your over 50 Memorandum of Understanding is working?
- Why have you not started and completed any road in any part of the State except in your Aguleri Town?
- In 2013 you were caught engaging in EXPO during a gubernatorial debate, why have you decided to boycott this year's debates?
- Why would you waste Anambra's money by sponsoring 180 people to your daughter's graduation in the USA?
- Why are you not patronizing local industries in Anambra State? Instead of supporting INNOSON you went to Tata because INNOSON refused to sell to you at very high inflated prizes of N8,000,000 for vehicles that cost N5,000,000?
- You have over 300 billboards, the highest any Governor has of himself in Nigeria.
- You have not bought one single bus for any school in Anambra State, yet you bought almost 500 vehicles for your campaign.
- You promised to build three Independent Power stations in Anambra State, one in each Senatorial District of the State. How far? Has any of them started?
- Why did you abandon the Agulu Lake Hotel?
- In the case of Onitsha Hotel, we know you have bought it through your front.
- What of Nnewi and Awka shopping malls?
- Who owns No 10 Ruxton Street, Ikoyi, and two other new buildings at Chevron Estate. How many new houses have you bought in the USA, UK (Near Paddington), France and Dubai?
- How can you justify the fact that the champagne you drink cost N300,000 per bottle? DO you ever realize that you are drinking away the wealth of AnambraState?
- Why did you spend over 600 Million in Christmas decoration and buying of horses?
Publisher: Prince Richmond C. Amadi
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