The  Biafra Africa Representative and Coordinator George Onyeibe was allegedly abducted at the early hours of Saturday morning. according to a source close to the leadership of the indigenous people of Biafra (IPOB) who confides in Igberetv says DSS abducts George onyeibe who was recently select as the Biafra Africa Representative and Coordinator following IPOB reshuffle of her principle officers.

George abductions, however, has heated the media, generating a controversial reaction and condemnation.

Our source who do not want his name in print, but remain to be anonymous says George’s  home was ransacked, his wife molested and all his personal electronic effects taken by DSS at the wee hours of yesterday.

Moreso, accusation fingers have been pointed to  Chidiebere Onwudiwe who was once a BIAFRALAND coordinator before he was arrested by DSS last year. according to confidential reports from our source who alleged that  Chidiebere Onwudiwe is a DSS mole who receives a bribe  from Peter Obi to sabotage IPOB struggle.

the source alleges that Clifford Iroanya the suspended IPOB COC is also working tirelessly to destroy Biafra struggle and warns that everybody to dis-communicate with them.

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  1. Good Day everyone, just want to share my experience here so you all should be more careful when contacting any herbalist for solution cos majority of the testimonies are fake and were the ones that fooled me.

    they all uses the same local code number (+234) cos i have been screwed by some of them.

    My Husband was suffering from Hsv for years and i went everywhere to get useful information that will help cure or suppress the disease.

    then i came across testimonies of those that took my hard earn money without any useful information or cure but they keep telling stories.

    about two months ago, a new staff was employed in my place of work and when He heard about my Husband Disease He was so remorseful and told me about Dr Monday.

    but i felt it was still one of those Internet guys so i didn't call or text Dr Monday. later that week, He asked me if i`ve heard from Dr Monday and he gave me proof and reasons to try.

    well, lots of thanks to Dr Monday cos as im writing this message, my Husband is CURED through the herbs that Dr Monday sent to us.

    so after my experience, i decided to save some people from falling to the hands of SCAMS.

    thx for your time and if you require the service of Dr Monday, you have to reach him via email: [email protected] or

    you can also reach me on [email protected]

    1. Good Day everyone, just want to share my experience here so you all should be more careful when contacting any herbalist for solution cos majority of the testimonies are fake and were the ones that fooled me.

      they all uses the same local code number (+234) cos i have been screwed by some of them.

      My Husband was suffering from Hsv for years and i went everywhere to get useful information that will help cure or suppress the disease.

      then i came across testimonies of those that took my hard earn money without any useful information or cure but they keep telling stories.

      about two months ago, a new staff was employed in my place of work and when He heard about my Husband Disease He was so remorseful and told me about Dr Monday.

      but i felt it was still one of those Internet guys so i didn't call or text Dr Monday. later that week, He asked me if i`ve heard from Dr Monday and he gave me proof and reasons to try.

      well, lots of thanks to Dr Monday cos as im writing this message, my Husband is CURED through the herbs that Dr Monday sent to us.

      so after my experience, i decided to save some people from falling to the hands of SCAMS.

      thx for your time and if you require the service of Dr Monday, you have to reach him via email: [email protected] or

      you can also reach me on [email protected]

  2. It's Good for herpes patient to please read my testimony,my name is smith anderson i am from California USA, I caught genital herpes from my ex girlfriend who never had any symptoms. I have had it for 1 year now, and it has affected my life. I have told my boyfriends who I trusted about it and I have never had a bad reaction, it has affected my new relationships with Damon People think herpes is really a minor skin irritation,herpes has a long term effects on health.The stigma attached to this virus by ignorant people is ridiculous. Most people have herpes in one form or another. I would like to advise people on how i got rid of my herpes.i was reading a comment on the internet,and i saw a testimony posted by a woman from island that she got rid of her herpes with the help of doctor boadi .so i was so happy when i saw that post,that his herbal medication is free.i quickly collected the herbal doctor's email [email protected] and i mailed him within 5 hours he responded to my mail and i told him my problems, he told me not to worry myself again that his herbal medicine will cure me, he told me the truth about his work that the only thing i need to do is to pay for the delivery fee so the medicine can gets to me which i did though i doubted him first, but to my greatest surprise, he asked for my home address and three days later the medicine was delivered to me through the DHL. and i took the medicine according to his prescription. to cut the story short. am now negative and today am living the herpes patients contact him, he's legit and we have come together to put this to public notice,he drop his email [email protected] email him if you have be tested positive,or suffering from the infection of herpes virus, you can also whats-app him on +2348144964531


  3. Be careful here nobody can help you here or even suggest how you can get your ex or love back,any testimonies of most spell caster here must be ignore.because most of them are scam i mean real scam which i was a victim and i got ripped of thousands of dollars because i was so anxious to get my wife back after she left me for over 1 years and 7 months with my 10 years old daughter,i have applied to 13 different spell caster here and all to no avail they all ask for same thing send your name your ex name address and picture phone number etc which i did over and over again and most of them were from west Africa until i saw a post about Dr Zack Balo and i decided to gave him my last trail.he ask me four things my real name,my ex and my ex mother name and $200 and said my ex will come back in 3days, i have paid over $8000 on spell casting and nothing have work for me after 3days i was thinking about how much i have lost so far so i said let me give him a try so i called him again and send my real name,my ex and my ex mother name and the $200 because i swear it was my last try so i was waiting as he told me to wait till next 3 days and i could not sleep those night because i really love my wife and want her back at 8pm the third day i saw my wife on line on face book and she said hi at first i was shock because she never talk with me for the past a year and 7 month now i did not reply again she said are you there? i quickly reply yes and she said can we see tomorrow i said yes and she went off-line i was confused i try to chat her again but she was no more on line i could not sleep that night as i was wondering what she is going to say, by the next morning she gave me a miss call i decided not to call back as i was still on shock again she call and i pick she said can we see after work today i said yes so she end the call immediately i got off work she call me and we meet and now we are back again i called Dr Zack Balo the next day thanking him for what he has done in fact i still call him and thank him as my life was not complete without my wife please be careful here i have been scam thousands of dollars if you want a true love spell then contact Dr Zack Balo on his email address [email protected] or call him his phone number +2348078927387.

  4. I want to thank Dr Azuka for the Herbal HIV medicine he gave to me and my daughter, i was suffering from HIV when i gave birth to my daughter and that was how my daughter got the sickness indirect from me, but to God be the glory that i am heal with the herbal medicine that Dr Azuka gave to me when i emailed him. i want to use this medium to tell everyone that the solution to our sickness has come,so i will like you to contact this great healer on his email address, [email protected] with him all your pains will be gone,i am really happy today that i and my daughter are cured of HIV, we are now Negative after the use of his Herb medicine, my specialist doctor confirm it. once more i say a big thank to you Dr Azuka for healing hands upon my life and my daughter, i say may God continue to bless you abundantly and give you more power to keep helping those that needs your help. email him now he is waiting to receive you. {[email protected]} or What's App +2348132777335


    1. HIV/AIDS
    2. HERPES
    3. CANCER
    4. ALS


  5. Good news!!! I want to say a big thank to the Calvin for share testimony about the help Dr Ere did for him. I'm Natalie Erica by name from Canada,I was a herpes patient to Dr Ere before i was cure from herpes by the herbal medication I receiver from Dr Ere,I never thought that herpes can be cure until I met Dr Ere who use his special medication to heal me,Do you want to get in touch with him for cure too contact him by E-mail: [email protected] or text and call him through this number +12137698736 and he shall help you
