
Make This #ChangeBeginsWithMe Campaign Evident In Your Subsequent Judgements: Release Nnamdi Kanu
Courts and judges are the last hope of the oppressed, the intimidated, the persecuted, the poor and the common man.

When a case is taken to court, the hope of the common man is resuscitated and when it appears before a 'Justice', the poor can not but jump in victory because he is certain he will get justice from the judge.
A judge is one that resolves issues between parties following some laid down rules.

He is one that shows fairness, impartiality, consistency and good judgements.

He is equally honest, full of integrity and just hence it is believed that he would discharge his duties without minding whose ox is gored.

In holding fast his integrity, he is not expected to meddle   with bribes because bribes blind the eyes of the just from giving good judgements.
In being fair, he is not expected to protect the interest(s) of one (or more) party(s) to the detriment of another(others), unjustly.

In his consistency, he is not supposed to vary his judgement(s) or ruling(s) to favour one party against another, unjustly.
Judges are supposed to be strict and firm in the rules of proceedings.

They are not supposed to ignore constituted procedures of registration of dissatisfactions of rulings given on a particular case hence they should insist proper appealing processes are duly observed which implies that they should not be quick to go the local dog's way of eating their own dung but should allow their higher colleagues to eat such if deemed right.

A judge should be like one of my professors who allowed his wife offering one of his courses to fail because the wife did not read but expected her husband, the professor, to pass her whereas the professor was strictly administering scores on merit.

Justice John Tsoho, you have portrayed deficiencies and sometimes demonstrated total loss of such characteristics of a judge as mentioned above which makes me see that there are good judges and bad ones.
Following the way and manner you have handled the case of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra(IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu, I see you as a badly biased and corrupt judge.

I forgot to add that a good judge does not listen nor follow prejudicial comments but your actions, when you denied Nnamdi Kanu bail following exactly the reasons in the prejudicial comments of President Muhamadu Buhari during his maiden media chat of December 2015, suggest that you think otherwise.

Showing lack of fairness characteristic feature of a good judge, after denying Nnamdi Kanu and the co-accused bail, simply because of such flimsy reason of possession of dual citizenship and as a result could jump bail as prejudicially claimed by President Muhamadu Buhari, you started playing the delay tactics in signing your ruling so as to frustrate Nnamdi Kanu's counsels from appealing your judgement.

Also, you refused to see that the co-accused do not possess dual citizenship if dual citizenship were really a crime in Nigeria's constitution.

The whole world applauded you when you ruled that masquerades would not testify against Nnamdi Kanu and the co-accused in order to ascertain their demeanour. At that time they could notice you were zeroing back into being a good judge but abruptly you knocked the living day-hope out of them when you reneged on your supposed commitment to discharge good judgement. They felt disappointed when you accepted to vary your judgement with a mere oral application from the prosecution when they asked you to do so.

Not sounding insulting sir, the whole world saw and may still see you as a dog that goes back to its vomit and they are asking "When Justice John Tsoho re-ruled that witnesses could testify behind a screen, how would he, the counsels and the audience see their demeanors in order to determine whether they are false or true witnesses?"

Your colleagues saw and still see you as a disgrace to their hallowed profession but you can prove them wrong and revive the hope of the common man in this next court appearance (26th September 2016).
You can retrace your steps and fall back into the list of respected and honest judges in Nigeria by giving fair judgement to Nnamdi Kanu and the co-accused.

You can follow the steps of Justice Adeniyi Ademola and release Nnamdi Kanu unconditionally seeing that the prosecution does not have any evidence against him and the co-accused.
Or you can order the prosecution to obey the subsisting order of your learned colleague, Justice Adeniyi Ademola, to release Nnamdi Kanu and the co-accused unconditionally.

Doing so cleanses the reproach seen in the hallowed chamber from your quarters, consolidates democracy in Nigeria and resuscitates the hope of common man.
I ask you to ignore others who have allowed this evil of corruption eat deep into their blood vessels to the extent that they are seen as leopards that can never change their spots no matter how hard they try.

I advise you to strip yourself of this garment of being an unjust judge and earn a good legacy for yourself in the face of the whole world because good legacy left by one is better than wealth kept for generations and immortalizing your name in good is better than amassing wealth for your children and this Nnamdi Kanu case is a good opportunity for you to do that.

I ask you to follow this #ChangeBeginsWithMe campaign of President Muhamadu Buhari and effect this change in your subsequent rulings in all case before you.

I urge you to be the first, among all your learned  colleagues, to change this old way of justice denial in the judiciary.

President Muhamadu Buhari, I suppose, is sincere in his #ChangeBeginsWithMe campaign and would not blind you to continue in the old way; but in case he does, stand your ground and reject all advances that would stop you from immortalizing your name with gold in the comity of nations.

I congratulate you, Justice John Tsoho for taking this right decision of releasing Nnamdi Kanu and the co-accused.

Thank you.
Yours sincerely,

By Ogu Edozie Williams
Editor Uchechi Collins
IPOB writers
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