We Expose every evil in our land; we are the most truthful and uncensored news broadcaster/ Media in the world. We are (Biafrans) we are whiter than white and whiter than snow.

The Great Biafra Journalists , Radio/ Biafra Tv reporters, ring to the Biafrans and the world at large, a serious security threat and important information from Biafra land, A Voice Recording of this interview is Available.

This information is very important to us because it is all about saving the lives of our people in Biafra land, the life of the indigenous people of Biafra in their own land is sacrosanct as ritualists have taken over Obosi in Anambra state and the security agents knows about it and have kept silence an escaped victim confirmed .

This report is a first class information report from a victim who escaped death from a dreaded secret killer’s squad in Obosi, Idemili South Local Government Area in Anambra state, Biafra land.

His name is withheld for security purposes; He is a 28 years old Mas communication student of Anambra state polytechnic in Okoh.

GBJ --- Yes Hello, This is Radio Biafra Reporter; I am calling so that you can give the world your ordeal with the killers that kidnapped you on 10th of July 2016 at Obosi, to share with the world what happened to you?

Escaped Victim --- A- On July 10th 2016 being Sunday I was going to (Obosi), so when I got to (Obosi) I boarded a bike from (Ukwuoji) junction to take me to Anambra state college of health and technology in (Obosi) there, As I was going the bike man told me that the road that is leading to the place is Graduates? And the will be a road they will follow that leads to that place, they follow that road, on getting to a particular juncture there were this three guys that came out to stop the bike, I thought they were the boys that use to collect ticket .all of a sudden one of them held me, as the guy held me my wrist I felt weak the next place I saw myself was in the forest where people are being butchered and sold to politicians for rituals.

They took away my phones, and my wallet took away my ATM cards and went to collect all the money in my account. One of them told me this is what they do here; they sell parts for the businessmen and politicians that buy them, that is what we do here, and we kill people. God intervened they did not kill me, but I discovered one thing in that forest.They lure people to that forest many young people that were brought and killed there were lured through many social media. There is a particular girl they plant in that place so the girl goes on social media, she goes on Facebook claiming to be a student of that institution, so what she does is: her own job is to lure people to that place because while I was there, I saw what was going on so. Her job is to lure people there, and when she lure people there the bike (Okada) men go out and pick those guys that she lured and finally those guys will be killed, that is what I discovered.

It’s a very terrible incident I am just saying this so that the world will pick a note that there is a particular incident of killing going on in (Obosi), and people need to be rescued, the students and people that schooled in that college of health. That’s all.

GBJ --- Q … Please, you did not tell us how old you are and which place did u come from Biafra land?

Escaped Victim --- A, answer, I am from Anambra state, and I am 28 years old.

GBJ— Q- Ok this thing happened to you right in your own state right?

Escaped Victim --- A - YES in my own state.

GBJ— Q-  Ok and those Guys, which tribe did you suspected they are?

Escaped Victim --- A- they were speaking Igbo with me; I do not understand which tribe they’re, but they were speaking Igbo very fluently.

GBJ…Q-  Ok, they spoke your local language with you right??

Escaped victim ---A-  Yes Yes

GBJ--- Q- and they collect you ATM, they went and took your money from you’re the bank?

Escaped Victim…A- Yes, and they collected my two phones.

GBJ … Q- and they took your two phones from you?

Escaped Victim… A- Yes.

GBJ ---Q - And there is a lady that you said to use to go on social media to lure people to them.

Escaped Victim ---A-  Cut inn.. the way they do there, there are many things they do, there is a particular lady her own is to lure young guys from social media, she lure those guys there, they have some young guys whom they bought bike for working for them, those guys their own job is to go and bring in those guys that the girl lured, nobody goes there and returned alive, because the guy they butchered that day was a very young guy.

GBJ ---Q-  For the benefit of our listeners and as a first-class report from you who happened to be a victim and God saved you, what is the advice you are giving to the people that are going to listen to this record?

Escaped Victim…. A- The advice I am giving to each and every one in Anambra state or from wherever is this.. 1) Every bike Man that you board, once the bike man decides to follow another track, the best thing for u is to alight from that bike because that bike man is a suspect, because if I had come down from that bike, I wouldn’t have ended up in that place, but I innocently listened to the bike man to follow the road he wanted to follow. He refused to follow the road I asked him to follow. If I had obliged, I wouldn’t have ended up in that place. So God really allowed it to happen for people to learn a lesson.

GBJ ---Q- Did you attempt reporting this incident to the police nearest to the location where this happened?

Escaped Victim ---A-  No, because I was scared.

GBJ --- Q- Were you scared of reporting to the police? Does it mean the police were not going to do anything, or they’re going to arrest you? Share to the world your experience and the reason why you did not report to the Nigeria police that such a thing is happening in their own domain?

Escaped Victim --- A- well the reason why I felt not to report to the police is that, when I left that particular place that Sunday evening, I felt seriously sick for the past 3 weeks I have not gotten myself, was seriously sick, I took time to take care of my health that why I never had time to report anything to any police because for me to be alive police wouldn’t have saved me. And moreover when I left that forest one of the bike men that took me to the place I board car to where I was going told me that policemen and vigilante knew about what was happening in that place, so I said since the police and vigilante are aware such is happening there, and nothing was done about it,

GBJ---Q - Which local Government is Obosi located in Anambra state?

Escaped Victim.--- A - Obosi is in Idemili South Local Government area.

GBJ --- Q- In Idemili LGA?

Escaped Victim …A-  Yes

GBJ --- Q- Was it the Bike Man that gave you the information?

Escaped Victim – A- No, it was the Bike man that later took me to the park when I left that forest, he took me to the place I boarded Bus to where I was going to, as I was narrating to him what happened to me, he told me that such thing has been going on, but the Police and Vigilante haven't done anything about it.

GBJ --- Q- Ok, do you think that if we have gotten our nation Biafra is such a thing happened in our land?

Escaped Victim. --- A -No No No No. Such a thing can’t even happen in our land if this freedom we’re asking for comes to be.

GBJ --- Q -One more question before I go, from what you have seen do you think that those guys who are doing that dirty job, killing people for money making and selling to the politicians, do they looks like Graduates? Are they educated or stack illiterates?

Escaped Victim ---A -Yes yes, one of them told me that he is a graduate that he studied in Unizik, that he studied civil engineering.

GBJ ---  Q- Is he a graduate of Unizik?

Escaped Victim …A-  Yes one of them told me that.

GBJ --- Q- And he ends up in killing people for money making? Cut in..(Yes).. Because he couldn’t get a job after graduating?

Escaped Victim --- A -Yes that what he told me that politicians use them that when its election period they will use them for election crisis.

GBJ --- Q - this is barbaric, this is devilish this is Evil , I think the whole world is going to listen to this recording via radio Biafra, because Radio Biafra is the only station that carries the truth message, the only radio station speaks for the indigenous people of Biafra, the only Radio station where truth is spoken and not painted , the Only radio station that when anything happened in our land we publicized it and make the whole world to know that our land is under siege because of this contraption they have put us together called Nigeria, meanwhile I am so glad to have spoken to you this evening.

And I thank God for saving you and to have used you as a testimony also to save other live the people living within that axis, and I believe this is happening in another part of Biafra land. And we’re saying that enough is enough, on this juncture radio Biafra will expose most of them, I want to thank you once again for your patience, for everything you have done possibly to reach us and may God bless you, and you are not going to die young.

You shall see Biafra is the name of Chukwu Okike Abiama.

Escaped Victim …A-  Amen, Amen

GBJ --- Q- This report is coming from one of the Great Biafra Journalists, Radio Biafra/Biafra, television reporter, thank you and bye.

Only God knows how many innocent Biafran citizens has been killed in such hidden slaughter ?

Read and share this information and save live.

Interview by Okpalaeze, for The Great Biafra Journalists.
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