The entire southern Kaduna youth are against the idea of grassing reserve or cattle ranch. 
Reacting to the state government plan to creation of grazing reserve in southern Kaduna, the entire youth wing of Southern Kaduna Peoples Union (SOKAPU) unanimously agree to reject what they call the planned imposition of grassing reserve/ranch which they see as a deliberate attempt to alienate the people of southern Kaduna by governor El-Rufai.
The decision to reject grazing reserves in the southern part of Kaduna was unanimously agreed upon by the entire youth wing of SOKAPU during a stakeholders meeting organized by the group on Saturday in Kaduna.  
The agenda of the meeting tagged NO TO GRAZING RESERVES/CATTLE RANCH.
The SOKAPU National Youth coordinator Comrade Nasiru Jagaba while speaking said the people of the region were not consulted by the government before embarking on the construction of cattle ranch in Manchiok area, a decision that must be rejected by all means necessary. 
He further stated that “what the region wants is for the government to bring forward developmental projects like setting up of a University of technology, and not belittling the people by pushing cattle grazing reserves/ranch to them.” 
Jagaba further made a keynote point by asking if the Hausa Fulani will make land available in the up north-Zaria to allow southern Kaduna people set up pig/dog farms as a form of exchange program for grazing reserve.
Various speakers in meeting were all in agreement and spoke with one voice, all Chairmen/president and secretaries of CDA’s branches and chapters further called on governor El- Rufai to give peace a chance by engage the people in meaningful developmental projects and shun the idea of the plan demolition of Gbagyi Villa, as God has ordained the community to stand, and no son of Pharaoh can bring down the walls.
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