The Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, hereby notifies the International Community and Biafrans in particular that there is no such thing as Customary Government of Biafra. At this stage, we, IPOB, are simply freedom fighters and the leader of IPOB is Nnamdi Kanu who was given the mantle of leadership of IPOB by the High Command of the Biafran Army on the 30th of May 2014 at Enugu. The ceremony bestowing leadership of IPOB on Nnamdi Kanu was documented and can be viewed on YouTube. 

Sadly, we have discovered that Dr. Dozie Ikedife and his APC cohorts are parading themselves as Customary Government of Biafra even when our sovereignty, which was robbed us by Nigeria and Britain, has not been restored.  Worse still, these fraudsters are ordering genuine Biafra freedom fighters to come under their illegal and unrecognized Customary Government. These usurpers have never come out for demonstration or supported the release of our leader. They are busy conniving with Rochas Okorocha and some Igbo politicians who over the decades have sold their conscience to the devil called Nigeria. These shameless men have been busy using our name to advance their APC agenda in the Igbo-speaking parts of Biafraland.
IPOB under the leadership of Nnamdi Kanu is registered and recognized at the United Nations’ ECOSOC as “Indigenous People of Biafra” without any second or third-party representation but simply and directly as “Indigenous People of Biafra—IPOB.” We are also registered and recognized in over 100 countries and territories around the world. When we came out all over the world to demonstrate and to remember our fallen heroes, where were these APC political harlots claiming to be Customary Government or part of IPOB? They never came out but here they are today with the help of Rochas Okorocha, who is a certified Northerner, trying to confuse the public with their nonsense about Customary Government.
We challenge them to name one protest march they have organized. They supported Buhari and his murderous killer squads to execute our people in cold blood. For these traitors to now claim that they are IPOB, it is an insult to the memory of the dead. If they do not refrain from this Buhari-sponsored dance of shame, the consequences will be severe on them.
While we are not against any person or group of people answering their name or belonging to any organization of their choice, one thing is certain and that is; there is only one IPOB and in IPOB we do not have any Customary Government. Anybody referring to himself as Customary Government of Biafra is nothing but a petty thief and a criminal working for Nigeria.
In essence, anyone asking people to support any Customary Government is putting the lives of our people at risk because they are essentially informants to Nigeria’s secret police called Department of  State Services (DSS). Therefore Biafrans and friends of Biafra must be eternally vigilant as well as disregard anyone or group of people claiming to be members of Customary Government of Biafra because there is no such thing in existence. When Biafra is restored, we shall develop and practice real democracy as is obtainable in developed countries such as Israel and the United States of America. We cannot afford to put the cart before the horse. It is freedom from Nigeria and Britain first before formation of government. The current singular objective of every genuine Biafran is the restoration of the nation of Biafra and not the formation of a Customary Government when our sovereignty is yet to be restored.
Again, CAVEAT EMPTOR on this ruse called Customary Government of Biafra!!!
Emma Powerful
IPOB Media and Publicity Officer
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