Ndume: lying Senator
By Tim Tochukwu
For Biafra Choice Writers

A Nigerian Senator, Ali Ndume, was recently reported as having appealed to Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) to toe the line of dialogue rather than drag Nigerian into a war. He made the appeal in response to IPOB, for agitating for the restoration of the state of Biafra, and NDA, for engaging in “Operation Red Economy”. Calling for dialogue, he said the world was not ready for war.
He was lying. Nigeria does not fight wars; it kills the innocent and brands it war. His statement was a trick; it did not reflect the true situation on ground. He knew the game he was playing. But he did not fool Biafrans. Biafran people knew that neither IPOB nor NDA that was driving the contraption called Nigeria into war. Biafrans know that it is his kinsman from the North, Muhammadu Buhari and his Nigerian government that have been looking for excuses to commence the massacre of Biafrans once again, and then tell the world that Nigeria was at war.
Ndume knew that the only thing Nigeria ever does is to perpetrate genocide against innocent and unarmed civilians. As a matter of fact, he knew that Nigeria chickens out each time there is any real threat of war. What rulers have always called wars is the use of inappropriate force against unarmed Biafrans.
What Ndume has done is try to divert attention, while pretending to mean well. It is an old trick. Northerners, aided by Yoruba’s of the West, had done it before. We remember how Northerners committed genocide against Biafrans in the North in 1966, then proceeded to chase them down to their homes in the east and continue to kill them with the aim to annihilate them and take over their land.
They are planning to do it again. They used Boko Haram do the Northern Nigeria killings, driving Biafrans away from the North. Now they have sent them down to Biafraland as Fulani herdsmen, killing Biafrans in their land and hoping to provoke them and give the government of Buhari an opportunity to commence another round of genocide against Biafrans.

Now rather than tell his kinsmen to leave Biafrans alone, since their agitations are legitimate, he is throwing it back to them, as if they were the ones goading Nigeria into war. Chinasa Nworu, a Biafran, and serious Biafran commentator, captured it well: “Today if war starts in Nigeria people will not say Buhari started the war; they will not say he hated Igbos and Biafrans and wanted to exterminate us; they will not say he wants to islamize us by the sword; they will not say that the Hausa Fulani said that the oil in Bayelsa belongs to them in Jigawa State; nobody will tell the world that Fulani Herdsmen have been killing us in our land and destroying our farms and crops. Instead they will make up all kinds of lies just to justify the evil they are committing against us today.”
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