January 12, 1970
Pope Cautions Gowon
on "Reprisals or Genocide" against Biafrans
Pope Paul VI acknowledged today that the Nigerian
authorities had promised to respect the human rights of their apparently
defeated Biafran adversaries but he warned, as he did yesterday, against
further bloodshed. He also sent a message to the Nigerian head of state, Gen.
Mr. Garba said his statement was partly an answer to the
Holy Father and generally an effort to quiet all fears on the subject. He added
that the most urgent problem now is how to get relief on an urgent basis to
needy civilians in the war zone. Nigeria “would welcome help from all her
friends in the task of rehabilitation and reconstruction,” he said.
The Pope
said the Vatican was ready to put all the means at its disposal to work for
relief of civilian suffering. It was announced that Msgr. Jean Rodhain,
president of Caritas International, the relief agency active in supplying food
and medicine to Biafra, would visit the Vatican tomorrow en route from Paris to
Lagos. In his remarks the Pope appealed “to all men of good faith to attempt
the impossible in order to avoid having the Nigerian conflict, which seems to
be moving toward its end, become a frightful tragedy, finishing with an epilogue
even more cruel than the horror that every war begins.”
He took note of Nigeria’s promises to respect Igbo rights
and lives and of Nigeria’s bringing in international observers to watch the
conduct of her troops. “This represents a good omen and a happy promise,” Pope
Paul said. “Let history tomorrow bear witness to the magnanimity of all those
who have taken part in these decisive events.” (New York Times)
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