By Emma Powerful, Press Release, 16/10/2017
We the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and its leadership worldwide under the command of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu wish to draw the attention of Nigerians and the entire world to the statement made by the Nigerian Defence Minister, General Mansur Dan Ali Rtd on a Television Program 'Question Time' which aired repeatedly on Channels Television over the weekend.
During the course of the interview, Mansur Dan Ali confirmed on videotape that Nigerian Army went in search of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in his home, having previously denied the involvement of the army in his abduction and disappearance since the invasion of the 14th September 2017.
The bare-faced lies of the Nigerian Defence Minister General Mansur Dan Ali and that of the Buhari regime against our leader and organisation is beginning to unravel before the eyes of the world.
By admitting publicly that soldiers were sent to Isiama Afaraukwu Ibeku to look for our leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu without any order or warrant from a Court of Law confirms the contempt in which Nigerian government holds the rule of Law and their judicial process.
It is, therefore, incumbent upon civilised nations of the world and Organisations alike to ask the All Progressive Congress, APC led Nigerian government why they decided to send armed soldiers to invade Nnamdi Kanu's residence.
Another question that must be asked is why would the government deny this obvious fact when there is incontrovertible proof based on available Close Circuit Television, CCTV evidence that Nigerian soldiers undertook this outrageously murderous raid in a peaceful village that resulted in the disappearance and presumed death of our leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.
In the immortal words of Mansur Dan Ali said the army "went to look for him but he wasn't there".
This means that the army deliberately "went" and stormed his home.
The words to note here is that the army went to look for Nnamdi Kanu, contrary to the lies emanating from the government that Operation Python Dance II was not targeted against Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB.
Since by the admission of the Defence Minister our leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was not there during the invasion of his residence, why deny that no invasion took place?
This culture of denial, lies and subsequent admission makes it impossible for any neutral observer to believe any word coming out of the mouth of any official of the Mohammedu Buhari regime regarding the issue of Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB.
It is also on record that the Nigerian government, Army, and Defence Headquarters Abuja initially denied ever coming near or invading Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's house in Afaraukwu Ibeku Umuahia Abia State that resulted in the cold-blooded murder of 28 people including that of his two cousins.
With these lies upon lies coming from the government over this military invasion, it is therefore reasonably expected to conclude that the army is also lying about not having our leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in their custody.
Is the world waiting for Biafrans to pick up arms to demand the release of the body of their leader before they know IPOB is serious about ascertaining what the Nigerian government did with him?
We are aware that Nigerian government and her security operatives especially the Army and Police cannot continue reducing or making a fool of themselves in the face of the whole world concerning the issue of IPOB and quest for Biafra freedom.
The struggle for Biafra independence has gone far beyond violent containment and way beyond the capacity of Nigeria to deal with.
What dimension our struggle will take going forward depends on what fate Nigeria visited or intend to visit on our leader.
One outcome is guaranteed in all these, should Nigeria not produce our leader in court on the 17th of October 2017, there will be an inevitable confrontation on a scale the human mind cannot imagine, at a time and place of our choosing.
By nature we are peace loving people, Nigeria should stop provoking us into armed conflict.
They should bring our leader to Court.
Publisher: Prince Richmond C. Amadi
Publisher: Prince Richmond C. Amadi
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