Africa has been in darkness because Biafra has not been restored. Biafra is the light of Chiokike Abiama that shines in darkness and Nigeria being the centre of darkness cannot fathom it. Nobody can understand the Biafran identity until you come to know Chiokike Abiama.  Chiokike Abiama is the light himself, Biafra born from the bosom of the Prince of Chiokike Abiama are made in his likeness. All Biafrans are rooted in the light that lights the entire world and positioned in this Dark Continent to reflect the true identity of light. Biafra is the land of the rising sun and the number one enemy of darkness.

The enemy came from Europe to form a thick cloud of darkness to shed the rising sun from manifestation. Nigeria is the centre of the heart of darkness and Nigeria is the thick darkness that Britain used to shed the light from Shining in Africa. Nigeria becomes the giant of Africa and the giant of the heart of darkness. It formed thick layers and strong cord to stop the reflective light rising from Biafra. When Nigerian politicians gather, you think them to be human beings but they are not.  They are devils that feed on the flesh and blood of Nigerians. They are demons wearing human cloths to cover the thick darkness coming from within them. They have learnt how to smile while speaking on the television, the smiles they never give willingly. With great efforts we see them smile in the television when they speak, and sometimes when they are bold enough they laugh. Those smiles are not ordinary, they are smiles from the heart of darkness and they end in cruelty.

The fall of man was primarily responsible for it. Chiokike Abiama turned back and there was a curse that turned off the light and darkness took centre stage and covered us. Thick darkness that can be felt, we touched it and it darkened our skin and we lived under the influence of darkness where as we have originally been made to reflect light not just for ourselves but for the African continent. Biafra must set the pace for Africa. Light can never bow to darkness; it is the rising sun that determines the destination of humanity, the time to wake from sleep and the time to work until sunset before we remember it is time to sleep. Yet at night the moon is positioned opposite to reflect its light from the sun in the midst of the clusters of stars up the sky.

As we continue to focus on the land of the rising sun, we reflect the light from the rising sun and our true identity is being revealed, we are empowered from the rising sun and we stand up to crush every trace of darkness challenging our destiny. Now we remember who we are, our consciousness has been aroused, Biafra has risen and never to fall again.  The land of the rising sun is heating up and darkness is melting away what we see today is just the mirage certainly there is hope for Africa. The time to live under the influence of darkness are over, the spirit of Biafra is high, the curse is broken, the chains are destroyed, captives are set free and the glory of the rising sun is risen upon all Biafrans. Very soon, great nations of the world will start begging for a stand to mount a flag in the land of the rising sun. Any country that succeeds in having their embassy in Biafra capital city will consider it a high favour.

God bless Biafra.

Written by: 

Bright Oriaku
Biafra State Media

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