Kanu going to court
By Adaku Igwe
For Biafra Choice Writers

Security information reaching the head office of Biafra Choice Writers show that Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari, is getting extremely desperate in his attempts to get Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and Director of Radio Biafra and Television, killed in prison.
Our source stated that latest communication from the office of Nigerian Chief of Army Staff, which was signed by Colonel S. Sulaiman and circulated to Army divisions across the country, was part of the plan. He said the communication claimed that Boko Haram terrorist group had concluded plans to attack prisons across the country, across the country.
Entitled, “Boko Haram Terrorist Group to attack locations in FCT and other parts of the country, the communication read: “Information at the disposal of this Headquarters strongly point to plans by BHT Group to attack various locations in different parts of the country.
“The targeted areas include but not limited to Police stations, prison facilities, schools, market places. Details show that the terrorist group intends to target Police/formations in Abuja, Kano, Kebbi and Sokoto states”.

Our source insisted that the communication was actually a cover-up for plans to bomb the prison where the Biafran leader is being held in Abuja under the guise of a Boko Haram attacked. “It is an attempt to take-out our leader rather than release him alive as courts have long ordered” he said.
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  1. Pals Follow me read this Nigeria Poem:

    It took PDP 16 years to make a
    dollar =
    but it took APC just 1 year to
    make a
    dollar N400.b
    It took PDP 16 years to destroy
    but it took APC just 1 year to
    dismantle, kill and bury Nigeria.
    it took PDP 16 years to make
    fuel price
    N87 per litre, but it took APC 1yr
    to make
    fuel N145 per litre.
    It took PDP 16 years to make
    Nigeria corrupt,
    but it took APC just 1 year to
    Nigeria Fantastically corrupt.
    It took PDP 16 years to keep the
    price of
    rice at N7,000 per bag,
    but took APC 1 year to project it
    to N18,000 per bag.
    It took Jonathan 5yrs to travel
    to 15
    but it took Pa Buhari 1 year to
    travel to 30
    It took PDP 16years to apply
    resounding economic policies
    that made banks grow,
    but took APC 1 year to apply
    which made banks to sack more
    And you want Nigerians to called him sweet name like, angel, saint, saviour, honey, man of integrity, wonderful, brave one, author of peace etc, my brother you lied
    The worst administration of PDP
    is far
    better than the best of APC!
