Biafra Choice Writers

Recently, Nigerian government speaking through President Muhammadu Buhari’s Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, lied against Niger Delta Avengers (NDA).
Speaking to Nigerian Tribune, he declared: “Out of the blue, a group calling itself the Niger Delta Avengers, NDA spouts. They kill soldiers and policemen. They kidnap and kill oil company workers. Piracy on the high seas. They asked oil companies to stop operations and pack out of the Niger Delta region. They blow up oil pipelines, power and other infrastructure. They attack and kill prominent individuals, ransacking homes up and down the coastal areas, including lately, Lagos and Ogun states. All these for what?”
The Avengers have replied. The said: We want Garba Shehu (Senior Special Assistant to the president on Media and Publicity) to go and get his record straight. Niger Delta Avengers have not killed and kidnapped oil workers, we are not into sea piracy, and we have never killed Policemen. The Buhari led Government knows the people attacking soldiers and killing policemen. It’s their sleeper’s agents that are doing it, so they should stop tagging Niger Delta Avengers to killing, kidnapping, ransacking of policemen, soldiers and individuals in the region
 On Negotiation between government and NDA, they said:We the Niger Delta Avengers have not negotiated with anyone. So we don’t know where Mr Garba shehu and General Babagana Munguno, the National Security Adviser are getting their information from. If they have been negotiating with anybody it clearly shows they had been negotiating with fraudsters and their (national security agency) created militant group.
The response came from Brigadier-General Mudoch Agbinibo, Spokesperson to NDA.

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