Nigerian Army
By Tim Tochukwu
For Biafra Choice Writers

A great number of Biafrans are at the moment making fun of Nigerian Army for the military exercise it is holding in Enugu, the Enugu State capital. The Biafrans, who are making this comment, describe the Army as bunch of cowards trying to deceive gullible people.
The Army leadership had, in a statement, declared: “The Nigerian Army will from this weekend commence another training exercise codenamed ‘Exercise Crocodile Smile’ in the 82 Division and part of two Division areas of responsibility traversing South-south geo-political zone.”
But in a worldwide survey done by Biafra Choice Writers, to gauge the feeling of Biafrans concerning the exercise, a great number said that though they were sad about the exercise, they also considered the Army as foolish for holding such an exercise in Enugu of all places.
In the thinking of many of them, it was inexplicable that the Army would go to Enugu, a hilly city to hold an exercise in preparation for war they would fight in the creeks. Madubuike Ezema (not his real name), a leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) in Enugu State, said the intention was simply to show military power to Igbo people in an attempt to dissuade them from joining in on the looming war in the Niger Delta creeks.
“What else are they doing here if not to frighten us?” he asked from a team of correspondents who visited him at his Enugu office, around Chime Avenue. Continuing he said: “Along Nigerian coastline, from Calabar, Warri, to Lagos; even up to Accra in Ghana, there are many places where you can find creeks and seascapes that are like those found in Niger Delta. Why are they here in Enugu if not to frighten us? Are there creeks in Enugu?”
He told Choice Writers that the Nigerian Army was wasting its time trying to frighten them, that if the need arises they would join the Niger Delta to do the battle in their own way.
For other Biafrans like Johnson Ugwummadu, who resides in Ghana, they said the reason why the Army was holding the exercise in Enugu was simply fear. He argued that apart from trying to strike fear into the Igbo, that the Army was equally fearful knowing that they could be attacked anywhere if they held the exercise along Nigerian coastline. “My brother, apart from trying to scare Igbo people, I am sure the Army is also afraid. I think for them, the fear of Ijaw militant attack is the beginning of wisdom for Nigerian Army. They know the Ijaws are masters of the sea in this part of the world, and they believe that they could be attacked if they do the exercise along Nigerian coastline. I think this a plausible explanation why they chose Enugu for that exercise” he said.

Agreeing with those who think like Ezema, Ugwummadu advised: “If they (the Nigerian Army) are afraid of Niger Delta Avengers attacking them along Nigeria’s coastlines, they should beg Ghana, Benin Republic or even Guinea to grant them access to their coastline instead of coming here to make a fool of themselves” he declared.
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