I am one Nigerian that is incurably optimistic about the Nigerian project and will lend my support to any administration that will reposition Nigeria... However, action speaks louder than words and this is one thing that Abuja and APC must learn.
For real, Dasuki is a bête noir; The proverbial black sheep that is currently carrying the sins of GEJ and his ruinous PDP administration. Dasuki stands accused but before we sealed his fate, it is salient we pause a while and think outside the box despite the mind bogging looting under his watch.
Truth be told, Dasuki is one Nigerian who cannot shy away from the full glare of camera and Newspaper headlines as the anti- corruption sheriff continues to knock on the doors of PDP chieftains as if APC stalwarts are saints.
The looting spree and Bazaar organized by the former NSA should remind us that something is wrong with our institutions and political climate such that political appointees and government functionaries continue to behave as of mis-governance and abuse of office is our political DNA .
I cannot fathom why but I admire the Dasuki dynasty of Sokoto Caliphate a lot. Sadly, this current DasukiGate has left a very bad test in my mouth. Of course, Dasuki will carry his cross. He is on the hot seat now but it could have been any of us judging from the fact that he found himself in a government where the Oga-on-top is a perfect definition of leadership- mis-road.
We all know too well that Dasuki could not have become a father Xmas without the blessing of the Oga- on - top. Many will be quick to say he should have resigned knowing fully well that most of the directives of GEJ and PDP buccaneers were illegal and unconstitutional. But is that easy? It is always easier said than done.
Dasuki, is a victim of a rotten political system and culture like most Nigerians caught in the web of corruption; A political climate that encourages sycophancy and hero - worship. The Oga - on- top mentality make it very difficult for anybody to work in the political circle and come out without any dint especially if the Oga is a student of Wuruwuru and Magomago School of politicking like GEJ.
When a political leader shares the grace of infallibility with the pope, what do you expect those under him to do than to say “Yes” to his whims and caprices?. With all the executive power vested in the office of the PFRN only a Biblical David can challenge the President or refuse to carry out his orders without a scar or even stay alive to tell the story. Ask Bola Ige and Alfred Marshal. In a Hobbesian jungle like the Nigeria of PDP days, One is likely to toe the path of the proverbial parrot that said if you cannot defeat them, join them.
I faced a similar situation as a student in Cameroun. And, when I insisted in having the right thing done, I was wiped out of the system like dust on a car screen. The retaliatory action from the powers- that- be hit me massively that for more than six years now, I am yet to recover from the blow. If experience is the best teacher, then, I am better placed to tell us that it is not a child play to say ‘’no” when the authority wants a “ yes”. And, this was exactly the same situation that Dasuki faced and he had to act to stay alive and politically correct.
When the entire institutions that can protect citizens have been compromised where do you run to for help when you are forced to do things against your conscience? Resigning and escaping to exile is a good option but, a call to Prof Wole Soyinka, Nuhu Ribadu and Malam Nasir El’Rufai will convince us that Oyibo land is not an immunity against the Wickedness of evil minded political class when you refuse to do their wish or step on their toes and then escape to Europe.
Had the PDP won the election, Dasuki could have become a saint but now that the table is turned against him, methinks we should not only request that he goes to Kirikiri, we must also do something about a system that makes it a near impossibility for Nigerians in the corridors of power like Dasuki to embrace the philosophy of Julius Nyerere.
If Dasuki is guilty, we are all guilty and Nigeria is guilty because he is the product of the Nigerian society; our society where values have been turned upside down. Abi na lie?
Buhari: Dealing with the Arm Deal
Nigeria today is a country where too many things do not work as they should. Our development schemes have not improved the quality of life as much as they should. Yet we have planned and re-planned. We have probed and re-probed. We have reformed and reformed but at the end of it all, contentment still eludes us------ NPN 1981
To know why Nigeria is a laughing stock in the comity of nations, one need not consult Amadioha. All you need to do is to lift the carpet up and you will be faced with the stark reality about the log in the wheel of Nigeria’s progress.
If poverty and mis-governance have defiled the prescription of the joint efforts of political Doctors from UNN, UI and ABU, it is because the culture of sweeping critical issues under the carpet have not been abandoned by Nigerian political leaders.
Nigeria has been a nation of deals. Since things fell apart for PDP, we are constantly been fed daily with figures that most of us cannot call or pronounce without the help of CBN; I mean the huge amount of money that can make the dead return from the great beyond. Anyway, like Bishop Kukah, the media propaganda espoused by Abuja and the APC is not moving me and will not move me because I am a Nigerian and I know very well that soon, deals may be done and the biggest looting in the history of Nigeria since 1999 will be swept under the carpet.
Before the apostles of “ Buharicracy” will began to call me names, I hasten to make this disclaimer: I am one Nigerian that is incurably optimistic about the Nigerian project and will lend my support to any administration that will reposition Nigeria and reclaim her lost glories. However, action speaks louder than words and this is one thing that Abuja and APC must learn.
Deals in Nigeria did not start with the shoeless fisherman from Otuoke. He only elevated it to a system of governance. It was there yesterday and will remain till tomorrow if the government continues to put the cart before the horse.
Bishop Kukah remains one Nigerian that have proven to have a perfect understanding of our political history and engagement . The public lecture (Nigeria: Euphoria, Hysteria and Dementia, still a long walk to freedom) he delivered in Lagos last year was a logical and objective eye opener on the war against corruption by previous regimes.
I am in total agreement with the lord Bishop. Nigerians are not good students of history and the resultant effect is that an evil genius will wake up one morning, beatify himself and the Nigerians will swallow him line, sinkers and hook. We seem to be forgetful. Pitiably, we have forgotten a lot that happened in the recent past but his lordship is too meticulous in his approach to issues to forget.
Buhari is not the first President to make public his hatred for behind the scene deals that is bleeding Nigeria to the grave, yet most of them left Aso Rock with litanies of dirty deals hanging over their neck like the sword of Damocles.
Saint OBJ, the wizard of Otta was once the Choir master of the anti- Corruption choir but after eight years in Aso Villa, he became a perfect example of a corrupt leader. As things are today, the corrupt deals he used to enrich himself, family members and his numerous Kleptomaniac college of friends have been swept under the carpet and he is busy pontificating on political affairs of this nation and moving around as a kingmaker unchallenged.
Truly, Bishop Kukah was right about his earlier assessment of Buhari’s anti-corruption crusade and his approach to loot recovery. A hunter that goes to hunt monkey with flute and drum will return home with empty bags.
We are watching and waiting, we refuse to be deceived and we refuse to buy the APC propaganda that only PDP politicians are thieves.
It is one thing to convict someone in the pages of Newspapers, and another to secure a conviction from a court of competent jurisdiction. It is one thing to begin a journey and another to end it successfully. It is also good to recover our looted common wealth from the PDP sinners and thieves but it is more salient that Buhari makes sure that the college of saints in APC will refuse to eat yam by not re - looting the recovered fund as it happened with GEJ . Need I say more?
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